Hi, i'm Biscuit!
I'm a "java developer" working on Minecraft-related projects using the Forge API, Spigot API, Discord API, and much more. I'm also a volunteer Helper on the Hypixel Network, where I help resolve problems and moderate. This website may not be much, but it allows me to release and showcase a few of my projects. Feel free to contact me using the icons below.

I have most recently started developing client side forge mods, providing enhancements in Minecraft in general or Hypixel gamemodes such as Skyblock. You can view most of my projects by hovering "My Mods" above, or view my github profile.
Although I'm currently more focused on Forge development, I have made many free/public and private Minecraft plugins using the Spigot API in the past, most which are Factions-related. Click below to view my Spigot profile.
Hypixel Helper
I've been a Hypixel Helper since April 2018, where I've been helping users resolve issues on the server, moderating the chat, and making sure players have a good experience.